Pre & Post Natal

Level 1 - Whole Body Stability

Ideal for new mothers or women who are currently pregnant (All trimesters). Full body session focusing on gluteal and core stability and spinal mobility.

**If you are experiencing any lower back, pelvic or hip pain, pelvic floor dysfunction or abdominal
separation, please be cleared for exercise by your Osteopath or doctor prior to participating.

Are you interested in 1:1 Pilates sessions?

This is perfect if you:

  • Are experiencing any pain or discomfort during pregnancy

  • Would like a specific exercise program tailored to your needs whilst pregnant

  • Would like to transition into a small group class (Located at KX Oakleigh and Knox)

If this sounds like you, book an appointment with one of our Osteopaths who are both trained in Clinical Pilates and KX Reformer Pilates!