Mat Pilates - Level 2

Stability - Abdominals & Pelvis

This session focuses on building stability around the hips & pelvis in the standing position and strengthening abdominals.

**These videos are for demonstration purposes only.
Please consult a health care professional before participating in any videos.

Are you interested in 1:1 Pilates sessions?


This is perfect if you:

  • Would like to start Pilates, but would like to learn the technique of common Pilates exercises first

  • Have an injury and would like a specific exercise program tailored to you

  • Would like to be supervised whilst exercising

  • Already participate in Pilates and need modifications for certain exercises which reproduce pain or re-aggravate injuries.

If this sounds like you, book an appointment with one of our Osteopaths who are both trained in Clinical Pilates and KX Reformer Pilates!